Breaker Panels & Service Entrance Disconnect
Whole House Filter will
extend the life of your electronics and improve reliability.
Utility power was designed for motors and incandescent bulbs and
does not always guarantee clean power for electronics.
Contaminated power lines degrade power supplies, circuit boards
and other electronic components causing lockups, downtime and
inconvenience. Cleaning up the power will improve sound and
picture quality and give all electronics in your home computer
grade power. |
Protect All Breaker Panels - One Unit per Breaker Panel
Single phase panels 120/240 (3W+G) use: |
Three phase panels
120/208 (4W+G) use: |
Add"-M" suffix for optional dry relay contacts & audible
alarm. (i.e. TK-TLLP-1S240-FL-M) |
Protect all breaker panels from internal and
externally generated transients. |