"I lost two 32 LCD televisions, numerous control boards for the stove, microwave, and dishwasher, as well as
pump motors for the spa and ceiling fan motors....It has been over a year since the insallation. I have not had a
single electronic failure in the house over that period....TV picture is better, and I have been able to cancel my
home appliances insurance policy...."
"We turned on the breaker panel feeding the TPS unit and everyone in the room could see it
instantly working to clean up the power. Since I have seen this unit working with my own eyes I can say that Total Protection
Solutions approached to overall power quality for the home is the only way to go." ...New Age
...all her neighbors TV's & computers were affected by a large surge. My client's very
expensive computers were not affected, the only house on the street!!! I have vowed never to leave a homeowner without the
option of adding surge protection." ...Finan Electric